Watch the live-stream or recordings from Ivan on the 30 years anniversary of apparition.  Ivan shares why Our Lady has been appearing more during our times, what it means for the world, why is there suffering and how it affected him.

Messages from Our Blessed Mother Mary
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s 
November 2, 2011 Message
Given to Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers

Pilgrims arriving at the Blue Cross in the early hours were preceded there by those who had come early the evening before. Wearing winter coats, hats scarves and wrapped in blankets, they came extra early to greet Our Lady under a clear, crisp star filled sky. Surrounding the area behind the Blue Cross were many of the BVM/Caritas pilgrims who also gathered to spend the night in prayer waiting for the wonderful opportunity to be in the presence of Our Lady. Many Italian and Portuguese pilgrims came to pray at the statue of Our Lady. They would bring petitions, pictures, candles and flowers to present to Our Lady; each one of these items representing a prayer intention. Also, they brought their religious objects to be blessed as Our Lady does in every apparition. It was beautiful to see that a large number of young people also made the decision to spend a very cold night on the rocks at the base of Podbrdo. You could hear pilgrims praying and singing independently of each other through the night.

The sliver of moon, which hovered over Krizevac slipped behind the mountain and around 4:30 a.m., with daylight soon approaching, the organized praying and singing began. The Rosary was prayed in multiple languages through out the morning. When Mirjana arrived, the praying began in Croatian and soon after, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana. It became very quiet as we knelt before the Queen of Peace. After the apparition everyone remained quiet in anticipation of Our Lady’s message. The message then was read in Croatian, English, and Italian. Many of the pilgrims stayed at the Blue Cross a while longer to pray where Our Lady had just graced with Her presence.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s 
November 2, 2011 Message
Given to Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers

“Dear children, the Father has not left you to yourselves. Immeasurable is His love, the love that is bringing me to you, to help you to come to know Him, so that, through my Son, all of you can call Him ‘Father’ with the fullness of heart; that you can be one people in God’s family. However, my children, do not forget that you are not in this world only for yourselves, and that I am not calling you here only for your sake. Those who follow my Son think of the brother in Christ as of their very selves and they do not know selfishness. That is why I desire that you be the light of my Son. That to all those who have not come to know the Father – to all those who wander in the darkness of sin, despair, pain and loneliness – you may illuminate the way and that, with your life, you may show them the love of God. I am with you. If you open your hearts, I will lead you. Again I am calling you: pray for your shepherds. Thank you.”

“Sin, Despair, Pain and Loneliness...”
A Friend of Medjugorje

Because we are in a period of Divine Mercy and satan has done such a number on us, the Father has given us a guardian, a shield of protection. Even though we do not deserve it, because of our wayward ways, we still are given protection. This protection is Our Lady. She is the sign, the great sign of Revelation 12 who appears in the Heavens and descends to us. She is the only reason why we have not been completely turned over to ourselves. Our Lady said today,“…the Father has not left you to yourselves…” In the book of Romans, Chapter 1, verse 24-28, it states that God will give man up to himself or turn man over to himself when he continually sins and rebels against Him. Our Lady has tapped into the well of God’s immeasurable love for us. This well is Our Lady Herself. 

It is the father today who is held in contempt in the culture. It is the male in western culture who is marginalized as inconsequential and, thereby, God the Father becomes inconsequential. Few can understand this. Many are blinded to this; just as many reject this fact. It takes wisdom to see it. It takes prayer to receive the wisdom. It takes fasting to clearly identify it throughout the culture. Our culture has turned against the Father, disregarding Him as inconsequential, just as fatherhood today is held by society as dispensable. Man falls prey to this because he does not have a fulfilling role to fill and they wander off into finding fulfillment in things other than family. 

Our Lady, the Woman, is trying to show us to let God be God. He is a Father of immeasurable love whose role is to provide, protect and guide us towards a safe society where order and peace are established. We do not have this anymore, as we do not have the strong role of fatherhood anymore. We have become a female driven society. Our Lady’s witness to God as Father is the witness and model to all in Her respect and love of Him. When that witness is followed, especially when women imitate Our Lady’s witness in this, that respect and love is reciprocated back to them. It is the woman who “rocks the cradle” who changes the world, and it is the Woman who God sends now to give birth to a new culture. She is rocking in the cradle of its infancy this culture that will be born through Her messages that will change the world. Many, even those who follow Our Lady, will not accept these words about today’s woman, but will have to later, but then it will be too late. The axe will have fallen, and with it the family tree, through all the bad decisions in raising children minus the holy direction of obedience to fatherhood’s direction.  All of which will have continued the damage of wrecking the family and, thereby, the nations. 

What about the father? It is the Woman who is being sent to the world to save it through the Father’s immeasurable love, and it is the woman, wife and mother who will have the greatest impact upon both little girls and little boys, raising them up to be good wives and husbands and mothers and fathers. She, the woman of today’s world, has in her hands the future culture, by her witness and example, as Our Lady has in Her hands the whole world as She revealed when She appeared in Rue de Bac, France, holding the globe in Her hands. She who rocks the cradle rules the world. Today’s culture does not accept the woman as the one to rock the cradle. Nevertheless, the woman still rules and what rules is a world where the cradle has not been rocked but neglected. Women, instead, are being taught to fulfill their wants. In the book of Genesis, God’s word states that a woman’s wants are to be that of her husband (Genesis 3:16). She is his, the helpmate of her husband. The fact that this is no longer a Biblical truth, accepted and lived by many Christian women today, is reflected in what has happened in our relationship with God the Father. He is there only when we need Him, if at all, to fill a role we defined for Him according to who we think God the Father is to be. Our Lady said:

February 2, 2011

“…Wandering in darkness, you even imagine God Himself according to yourselves, and not such as He really is in His love…”


We concern ourselves with matters that are passing and falling apart such as presidents, careers, material things, etc., when it is the destruction of the family that matters. Destroyed families foster nonbelievers and different aspects of non-belief in Christians. It is the destruction of fatherhood that was the aim of the feminist movement of the 60’s and 70’s which gave birth to today’s culture of divorce veining itself even into the Church itself. The book UnGodly Rage by Donna Steichem gives more than ample evidence of the destruction of whole religious orders and convents through feminist mentalities invading the Church. 

Today’s culture wants a father at home, but he is imagined to be something other than what he is supposed to be, a “told what to be,” female dominated male. The family cannot be together in thefullness of heart as one family, when the man in the family is held in such a marginal position. Why is Our Lady coming to show us unity of the fullness of family? If families do not reach this unity, it is not possible for a whole people or nations, or the Church itself to have this oneness as God’s family.  A dad’s role held in insignificance is to the detriment of the whole family and makes the whole family insignificant. To bring the family to oneness is to bring it to one headship. To bring the culture together is to bring it to one headship. The woman, wife and mother who grasps this and imitates the Woman, Daughter of the Father, wife of St. Joseph, and Mother of the Savior will change the whole world one family at a time. If she does not grasp this, she will still change the world, but for the worse as we now have made it. 

We are to be raised as brothers in Christ. Our Lady said:

February 15, 1988

"Be the reflection of Jesus. This way, you will be His witnesses in your lives…”


October 10, 1985

“…You are a mirror to others!…”

If Jesus is reflected in you, there is no selfishness. If Our Lady is mirrored in you, there is no selfishness. Is the family supposed to be raised as “brothers”? What does that mean that we are “brothers in Christ”? If we are Christians, we are the brothers of Christ. Mary is our Mother. God is our Father and in this family of God there cannot be selfishness. The family cannot exist in their own little world of the home as a bunch of independent, self-centered individuals following their own interests and at the same time be in harmony. Neither can they be in harmony without one headship if the wife and mother doesn’t allow it. She has the power of destruction or construction. Destruction will fall back upon her head crushing her with a life of a wrecked family. Seeking headship for her husband and giving the example of obedience will protect her even if she is married to a not so perfect husband. The book How to Change Your Husbandexplains this explicitly clear. The family is to be the light. Medjugorje interior locutionist, Jelena, has said that children learn to love God the Father through the mother and father’s love for each other. If this is not so, it is the child who never experiences the love of God through their parents, and they then wander into a life of destruction. Our Lady said today:

November 2, 2011

“…those who wander in the darkness of sin, despair, pain and loneliness…”

    Twenty six years ago Our Lady told us: "God has chosen each one of you, in order to use you in His great plan for the salvation of mankind. You are not able to comprehend how great your role is in God's plan… I am with you so that you can realize it completely," (January 25, 1987);  and twenty years later: "Little children, do not forget that you are all important in this great plan, which God leads through Medjugorje. God desires to convert the entire world…from the depth of my heart, I call you all to open yourselves to this great grace that God gives you through my presence here," (June 25, 2007).  Recently she said: "Dear children… Only knowledge of the love of my Son can save you. Through that salvific love and the Holy Spirit He chose me and I, together with Him, am choosing you to be apostles of His love and will….”, (June 2, 2012).   We are chosen by Mary – the predestinate spoken of by St. Louis de Montfort!    She invites us to give ourselves entirely to her, so that together we may bring about her Triumph and the reign of Jesus’ love.  "Help my Immaculate Heart to triumph!" (September 25, 1991).  St. Louis de Montfort prophesied Our Lady’s Triumph 300 years ago, and in his book, "True Devotion to Mary", designed the 33 day consecration to help prepare those chosen to be Our Lady’s apostles.  Our Lady tells us we are those apostles!  We believe St. Louis’ preparation for consecration to Jesus through Mary will help us to fulfill her plans, most recently revealed in Medjugorje: "Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart.  Abandon yourselves completely, I will protect you," (August 2, 1983).  It is her presence with us through Medjugorje that makes this consecration so timely.  "I desire to be the bond between you and the Heavenly Father," (March 18, 2012).  In an early Encyclical (Redemptoris Mater) Pope John Paul ll asked the whole Church to read St. Louis de Montfort's "True Devotion to Mary" to understand the mystery of Mary in our time.   This is no doubt why Blessed John Paul ll would say, "Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!"


    A devout Catholic inspired to create this website so others can be edified in their faith, encourage those to renew their relationship with God and invite all seeking to know the The Way, The Truth and The Life.

    Mother Mary's Praise

    My soul magnifies the Lord
    And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
    Because he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid;
    For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
    Because he who is mighty has done great things for me,
    and holy is his name;
    And his mercy is from generation to generation
    on those who fear him.
    He has shown might with his arm,
    He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
    He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
    and has exalted the lowly.
    He has filled the hungry with good things,
    and the rich he has sent away empty.
    He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of his mercy
    Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever. 



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